Wednesday 7 October 2009

My Favourite Picture

well, i really love this picture, it was taken by a friend's parents, and in the picture shows my best friends, we were in our prom (that is the reason that we were wearing dresses and tuxedos) and that night was awesome, i went with my boyfriend and my family, and some people went with their friends, family, we were all overwhelmed...i dont know..i think that we were afraid or worried about the future, because that night was the end of the school (and i really miss that) but was also the beggining of a new life... new friends, a career, much more pressure, and i like this picture.. because we were so happy, we had such a great time together, we ate, danced...we can cry and laught together, even today, we took differents ways but we are still together and i think that's great because everything's fine, we have nothing to worry about, they are a big support in my life.