Wednesday 11 November 2009

my favourite website

mi favourite website is :
this page it's dedicated to Michael Patton, who is a musician who have a lot of differents band with differents music styles, like Faith No More a rock band, or Peeping Tom a rap band, or Fantomas wich is a extremenly experimental band, i love this website because here you can read all the new news of him and of their bands, for example, a couple of weeks ago he came to Chile with Faith no More, and because of this page I was able to know where they were at any time so i follow them (it's a bit psychotic) but i could have picture, autographs of all of them, and i'm so happy with it that i really appreciate that website, now the band wants come back to chile so we are collecting signatures for it, if you want dear classmates you can sign in
i really will appreciate this.

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